Become an iService Group Investor or Partner

iService Group proposal Download document

Thank you for taking the time to review the iService Group proposal brief. The iService Group’s mission is to become a vertically integrated Public Company. The iService Group will facilitate the agglomeration of multiple service related businesses and selected alternate businesses to become “one entity“. Each business will continue to trade individually, however each business will work collectively under one umbrella.

Essentially this will be achieved under a holding company where each of the individual entities (companies) will be under the one umbrella so that funding and extension of client services can be realised. There will be a mechanism to contain any loss making activity within the entity incurring the loss.

The management of the holding company is critical to maintain investor confidence. The iService Group will assist in identifying and approaching the right people and businesses and at all times ensure impartiality.

Whilst the initial reach will be the Australian market the iService Group envisages that the business model will have an international appeal. The iService Group will work towards driving the business from a National business to a Global business with maximum Market penetration.

The iService Group Opportunity

The iService Group offers a comprehensive range of services and programs.

  • State Wide & National business opportunities

The iService Group will bring companies under one umbrella through agglomeration and by acquiring established Brands and developing them into a National Network.

  • International Business Development

The iService Group will export the Australian iService Group brand Worldwide and Importing Famous Brands into the Australian Market Place through consultancy, publications, databases, exhibitions and conferences.

  • Services to Established Brands

The iService Group will strengthen all areas of infrastructure from lead generation, marketing and closing the Sale.

  • Services to Investor/Candidates

The iService Group will assist Investors and Candidates with the evaluation of each opportunity. If the opportunity satisfies the iService Group criteria the company can be acquired or become a partner company under the iService Group umbrella.

The iService Group Corporate Goals

  • The iService Group will continuously endeavour to offer New and Innovative Services to assist the established businesses to succeed through growth and increased market share.
  • The iService Group will grow from a National Brand to an internationally recognised Brand by establishing a minimum of 5 international iService Group offices in major cities.
  • The iService Group will assist each business affiliated companies and partners to grow and prosper.
  • The iService Group will continuously promote the iService Group services and brands to our associates, companies and the general public.
  • The iService Group will assess and identify real business opportunities and utilise member companies to provide the Services. This will drive growth and success throughout the iService Group member companies.
  • The iService Group will provide the most comprehensive and appropriate range of Services to enable sustained growth.
  • The iService Group will provide a first class Service and continually strive to deliver beyond the customer’s expectations.
  • The iService Group will provide an excellent Return-On-Investment.
  • The iService Group will increase company turnover and trading profit annually

The way forward

If you have an interest in being part of the iService Group either as a member company or investor and you would like to discuss the iService Group concept, the opportunity, benefits and strategies please submit the completed “expression of interest” and email it to the iService Group at: [email protected]

Press this link to download the Proposal Brief and the “Expression of Interest (EOI) Download document

When the iService Group has received your expression of interest document we will send you a confidentiality agreement to sign. After the iService Group has received the signed confidentiality agreement we will be able to discuss the opportunity in greater detail with you.

Whilst we appreciate your confidentiality, we understand that this is a preliminary process and no way binds you or your company into a commitment to engage with iService Group.

Thank you for your Interest and we look forward to an open dialogue with you.


Kind Regards

iService Group